Category: Informational

Dehydrating Comb Tooth Mushrooms

By Melanie Andromidas

Mushrooms are an extremely versatile food already. Nevertheless, most people enjoy having even more options and saving food that would have gone bad without action is always a plus, too. From a simple and fairly hands-off process, I now have enough dried mushrooms to last me through several different meals in the months to come.

Beatrix Potter: Mycologist

By Melanie Andromidas

In a time when women weren’t allowed to be scientists, Beatrix Potter was somewhat of a rebel. She was drawn to mycology, and the arbitrary rules weren’t enough to keep her from studying and learning.

Cordyceps: The Apocalypse is Here

By Melanie Andromidas

There are different stages of infection as the mycelium spreads through the host’s body, eventually completely taking over the mind. The first couple of stages are stronger and faster than uninfected humans but have been blinded by the mycelium growing in their eyes.

The Ghostly Glow of Jack-o-Lanterns

By Melanie Andromidas

This coal was put into a carved turnip for easy carrying, and off Jack went. Legends started popping up of a phantom light leading people to their deaths in swamps and bogs. People believed this light was from Jack’s lantern, and many consider this to be the origin of Halloween’s traditional Jack-o-Lanterns.

Martians Living in Mushroom Houses?

By Melanie Andromidas

Each of the building types being looked at have a lot to offer, and there is also the possibility of using a combination of some or all of them. There are a few bonuses that mycotecture has: the ease of creating customized structures, the ability to repair itself, the speed it grows, and the simplicity in transporting it.