House Mountain Oyster Mushroom- *MCM Original*


Introducing the newest member to our Mossy Creek Mushrooms strain library, The House Mountain Oyster! This one has certainly caught our eye! Not only is it local to our lovely East Tennessee and harvested from one of our favorite hiking spots, it has the daintiest little stems we’ve ever seen on an oyster not starved for oxygen exchange, and a fat little bouncy cap to boot! Collected from the highest point in Knox County and cultivated in our grow rooms, we’re stoked to share this one with you!



Appearance and Characteristics:

  • The House Mountain Oyster presents as a cream to white oyster with consistent coloring throughout the entire cluster throughout it’s maturation process . The average yield is 2 lbs. for its first flush.
  • The caps on this oyster are small, but meaty, and are supported by dainty and long outstretched stems
  • The smell of this oyster is rather sweet and has a lovely and mild taste and texture, not to mention it’s a beast of a producer and very easy to harvest!
  • Our Mossy Creek Mushrooms Original House Mountain Oyster has proven to be a broad weather strain for us, tested tried and true through our cooler East Tennessee autumnal nights and grown most recently in our hottest months of summer! 


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If you’d like to see MORE in depth reviews regarding our originals, please check out our Social Media pages for additional photos, videos, and recipes! We LOVE sharing what we’re up to, and as always Keep Spawning Culture, ya’ll!


Quick Disclaimer:

***This strain is still considered early in its development in the commercial mushroom industry. As such it can express itself in ways differing from our pictures. This can mean anything from color expression to yields and can be caused by your room conditions, time of year, or even temperatures. As this strain is tested in various growing conditions over time, we will be able to give more accurate descriptions and better set expectations.***



If you’d like to be a part of our experimental breeding trials, or to simply help support our cause, please consider joining our Patreon! Not only will you get to profile new and interesting strains WITH us, you’ll get some fun and neat goodies, alongside helping us pick out names and participating in our Top Secret Patreon live chats EVERY Monday!! These chats are for our Patrons only as a sincere THANK YOU for all that you do!

Additional information


10ml, 60ml, 5 lbs. Grain Spawn, Slant