Snapshots of Mossy Creek Mushrooms

By Melanie Andromidas
Mossy Creek Mushrooms Original Culture Plate for growing yourself for food or profit. Mushroom Mycelium Liquid culture, Culture plates available on our website.

Sometimes pictures just say it much better than words can, so I thought I’d share some snapshots of what we’ve been up to lately.

While it may not look like much, a fully stocked incubation room speaks of the growth we’ve seen over the years and our desired future growth.

The grow room is similarly stocked, providing us with an abundance of mushrooms for our restaurants.

Look at these beauties waiting to be cooked up into a delicious meal.

Comb Tooth is one crazy looking mushroom, especially when you get up close with a macro shot.

At first glance, a growing culture plate looks almost like an old photo of some small flowers.

Golden Oysters add a pop of brightness to any room. They’re one of the prettier mushrooms, and very photogenic.

Some freshly picked Comb Tooth hanging out on the table. I told you it’s a crazy looking one.

It’s not mushrooms, but how awesome is this cactus that’s hanging out on the back porch?

We also have fish and snails we raise in tanks. Who knew that when captured just right snails could look so cool?

Spent grow bags are used in our garden. They help the plants flourish and we’ll often get more mushrooms popping up from them that we use for personal consumption.

Morels seem to hold the majority vote for tastiest mushrooms, being considered a delicacy for many.

I hope you enjoyed these snippets of life at Mossy Creek Mushrooms. There’s been a lot of growth in all our different works, and we’re excited to keep sharing it with you.