Thor and Doing it Wrong

By Melanie Andromidas
Mossy Creek Mushrooms Original Culture Plate for growing yourself for food or profit. Mushroom Mycelium Liquid culture, Culture plates available on our website.

When failure is viewed as a stepping stone to success instead of a roadblock, the world opens up to you. True failure is caused by letting fear stop us from even trying. 

Doing something wrong twenty, or even a hundred, times before finally getting it right, brings a robust sense of accomplishment, one possibly surpassing that which you would’ve felt if you had gotten it perfect on the first try. This perseverance is essential when it comes to running your own business. 

Thor, our initial bagger, and all the improvements that were created by others, came about through a long process of doing everything wrong. In fact, Thor was still “wrong,” which is why he’s been replaced with a new bagger. 

“If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing wrong.” – Joel Salatin

Even though we weren’t doing it completely right while using Thor, it sure beats doing all of it by hand. In Ben’s post, Hard Truths, he discussed the trap of feeling that you need fancy equipment to be successful with your mushroom business. Being willing to put in the work and go through the process of making mistakes and learning from them will enable you to skip the expensive machinery in favor of cheaper builds that are equally effective.

If you are interested in building your own equipment, plan on throwing at least one try away. This is easier if you find materials for free or cheap, so any miscalculations aren’t devastating financially. While in the throes of dealing with snafus, remember, “If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing wrong.” 
