Renovations Complete on Our Online Kingdom

By Melanie Andromidas
Nana & Gramps Oyster Mushroom Mossy Creek Mushrooms Original Strain Liquid Culture, Mycelium Plates, for sale on website with free shipping learn more on our YouTube channel

Our online kingdom has been under renovation, but our shopkeeper is ready to assist eager adventurers of all levels. Provisions are available to help you get started on your chosen quest, and there are options for when you are ready to move to the next level.

Mini Farms

No matter your skill level, mini-farms are a simple way to grow mushrooms while adding a variety of color to your kitchen. As if by magic, they’ll provide you with three to four pounds of mushrooms right on your counter-top. Each species has a different flavor profile and appearance, and experimenting with them in meals provides endless enjoyment. 

Plug Spawn

If you have adequate outdoor space, or even a garden, adding in some mushroom logs is a great way to spice up the area. It is a common belief that fairies have a fondness for mushrooms, often making them their homes or playing around them. Colorful mushrooms and the playful possibility of fairies drifting around would make a mystical addition to any garden. Crafting your mushroom logs requires a drill with a 5/16 inch bit. Just drill the holes in your chosen log, plug them up, and leave them outside to let the mycelium do its share of the work.

Grain Spawn

After building up enough skill, level up your inner mushroom farmer by trying your hand with grain spawn. Creating your own bags with the spawn will allow you to learn more about the growing process, and discover which substrates you prefer. Experimenting is a great way to find new processes and figure out what works best for you. Our spawn bags have enough spawn to create up to forty twelve pound mini farms, giving you plenty of chances to build up further experience.

Culture Plates

Advanced mushroomers use culture plates to become comparable to an alchemist by taking simple grain and converting it into grain masters. Learning along the way is essential to both growing mushrooms and alchemy, and with enough education, you’ll be able to gain more control of the growing process. Even more opportunity for experimenting and developing your own procedures will open up for you at this stage. Alchemists know that quality equipment is essential, and with cultures that is definitely true. You’ll want to be sure you have good filtration set up to keep contaminants out, preventing them from stalling your adventure.

Phone Consultations

Starting and running a business is likely one of the oldest forms of adventure, and possibly one of the most fulfilling. Every adventurer hits mishap along the way, but there’s often a wizened wizard to help the hero along. Andrew offers his advice to novices and experts alike through consulting, aiding them in avoiding the pitfalls he himself has experienced.  
Reward for this adventure is the highest of all, with a free MCM original culture plate, access to higher level shops, and ongoing exclusive discounts, on top of the knowledge bestowed upon you. 

We’re adventurers ourselves, and are always learning something new. Improvements are a natural companion to education; therefore, changes will continue to sprout up. We’d love to have you along for the journey.  

Keep Spawning Culture

Melanie Andromidas