Mushrooms of The Elders Scrolls Part One: Fly Amanita

By Melanie Andromidas

The Fly Amanita, or Amanita Muscaria, is one mushroom of The Elder Scrolls that is a real mushroom, so I thought it would be interesting to compare the attributes of the video game version of Fly Amanita to the real-world counterpart. There are different versions of the mushroom found throughout The Elder Scrolls games, so we’re using the Fly Amanita found in Skyrim.

Stroganoff with Powdered Comb Tooth

By Melanie Andromidas

Over the years, it’s become a staple with our family, one thing we can count on all three of our kids eating without complaint. After I powdered some Comb Tooth mushrooms I was given, we thought they’d make a tasty addition to the recipe, and we were right.

How to Grow Mushrooms: Using Liquid Culture to Make Grain Spawn

By Melanie Andromidas

While liquid culture is great for bonus materials, it’s best to not rely on it for your primary means of generating grain spawn. For consistency, buying from a reputable seller or creating your own are the better options. Liquid culture often grows well, but contamination takes hold easily, and there’s a large risk of losing an entire batch of grow bags if it’s your main source of spawn. However, for a one time grow or trial run, the inexpensiveness of liquid culture helps equalize the risk.

Decriminalization of Psychedelic Mushrooms: What You Need to Know

By Melanie Andromidas

Almost all supporters of legalization want education to be part of the deal, as psychedelics aren’t for everyone and do carry a certain amount of risk. Having a sober guide present for safety and to aid in the case of a “bad trip” is essential, which would be easily accessible with the previously suggested clinics. Having licensed therapists at the clinics could boost the positive results even more, as they’d be more able to help patients process their experience and gain deeper insight from it.

How to Grow Mushrooms: Setting up a Lab

By Melanie Andromidas

To accommodate the grow room expansion, we built a new lab several months ago. While the differences between it and our old lab are all pretty small in themselves, together they create a substantial improvement over the old layout. We thought we’d share our set up and what we have going on.