Ent’s Beard *MCM Original*


Welcome, Middle-Earth adventurers and epicureans, to the majestic wonder that is our Ent’s Beard strain! Born of a union between Lion’s Beard and Bear’s Head, it’s name is inspired by the ancient and wise tree herders of Tolkien’s legendary realm, carrying a distinctive and regal bearing much like the Ent’s themselves!


Just as the Ents tower over the forests of Middle-Earth, so too does this strain stand out in the world of gourmet fungi. It’s boasts fewer but larger teeth, echoing the gnarled and grand beards of the Ents, each spine growing as if a tale waiting to be told while journeying through sprawling forests. Each fruit not merely a mushroom, but a taste of folklore and fantasy, brought to life with an all consuming texture that is solid, substantial, almost enduring.So whether your preparing a meal for a cozy hobbit gathering of a grand Elven feast, this strain brings a touch of magic to every dish.

Additional information

Ents Beard

10 ml, 60 ml