Spring Weather Bulk Spawn Multi-Pack



Spring Weather Bulk Spawn Multi-Pack ($100)

Welcome to our Spring Weather Bulk Spawn Multi-Pack where you get one of each of the 4 strains we are currently offering for this season. This is a total of 20 lbs. of grain spawn divided into 4 different strains. 

Choose the Spring Bulk Spawn Multi-Pack, get these four strains at $25 a bag instead of $30:
    • Veiled oyster mushroom stems are cream-colored or pale brown and vary in size. Veiled oysters don’t have a strong scent like most oyster mushrooms, which smells like anise. Instead, this oyster mushroom just has a slight fruity smell. These oysters are delicious and tender when young and pin prolifically. If you prefer a more firm oyster that can handle a nice crisping in the pan, however, allow this one to grow to maturation before harvesting. This mushroom is a HEAVY strain, so you’ll need to keep an eye on it. It has a hardy shelf life, but is well known as a ‘jumper’ in our facility.

    • Bear’s Head, also known as pom-pom mushroom, is a unique mushroom that is an aggressive grower in the grow room. It has a light delicate taste that works wonderfully in many dishes. It’s has a meat-like flavor when battered and fried.

    • This pearlescent Mother of Pearl Oyster Mushroom grows similar to the Gold Oyster, creating a core and splintering off into several little stems and caps. Its stems are soft and a great texture for eating, making it a fantastic choice for making profit selling mushrooms. The caps are mainly white, with a hint of blue.

    • Chestnuts Mushrooms are delicious! They have a very light mushroom flavor while packing a ton of umami. They grow quickly in small clusters which later expand to larger caps. We personally pick them in a medium size. The chefs love the bright colors they bring, along with that great flavor.

Additional information

Bulk Spawn Multi-Pack

Veiled Oyster, Bear's Head Oyster, Mother of Pearl Oyster, Chestnut